Announcing our new field service partner, Global Maintenance
This new partnership will allow us to better serve our customers with full field service capabilities including: gear audits, installation, on-site machining, and more.

Precision Gearing Lightens the Load for Off-Highway Equipment
HMC has been featured in again in Gear Technology Magazine. This article is about smoother surface finishes and tighter tolerances that provide better tooth-to-tooth contact.GT2015-PrecisionGearsDownload

Ask the Expert: Gear Technology Article
HMC was recently featured in Gear Technology Magazine. This article discusses Girth Gear Inspection (Pre- and Post-Manucturing)GT2013-GirthGearsDownload

Another Pulverizer Rebuild
HMC has just shipped another 2,000HP Pulverizer Gearbox. This gearbox weighed in at 110,000 lbs

Dragline Propel Gear
Manufactured completely in-house by HMChttps://youtu.be/3vAHL0bTxzQ

Precision Int. Hoist/Drag Gearing for Marion Machines
Simply the highest quality double helical gearing available in the world...The limited OEM design for Intermediate Hoist/Drag Gears and Pinions require a center gap that can only be manufactured on Old Gear Shaping Technology.This design…

Kiln Gear Installation
We recently delivered an AGMA 12 spring-mounted kiln gear and pinions with supporting hardware including a new shroud enclosure.

Rush Gearbox Project
We recently completed a rush large gearbox rebuild in just 17 days. This gearbox weighed in at 110,000 lbs.This was a 2,000 HP Cement Pulverizer GearboxThe gearbox was immediately delivered to the customer site and started producing…

The Largest Gear Yet
This gear was a 271 inch mill gear.We manufacture gears completely in-house (internally & externally) up to 8 meters to the highest AGMA qualities available.We are one of very few companies in the world capable of producing…

New 8 meter Capabilities
Bigger is Better, and we can prove it!Proudly announcing our new capability to manufacture gears (internally & externally) up to 8 meters to the highest AGMA qualities available. We are now one of very few companies in the world capable…